Enter choice !br Forum messages: 41067 to 42314 Start at what message number (N for new to you): n #42058 Credit Maintenance S 3 / I'm New & What I Do 1 message Read? (Y or N) ! n #42059 new PR idea S 6 / Ask the SysOps 4 messages Read? (Y or N) ! n #42060 Member Profiles S 1 / News & General Info 1 message Read? (Y or N) ! y #: 42060 S1/News & General Info 05-Jan-88 10:27:33 Sb: Member Profiles Fm: Paul & Sarah Edwards 76703,242 To: All Our new Data Library 16 -- the Member Showcase -- is getting entries! In one I just read someone expressed a need for subcontractors. The sooner you get your Member Profile uploaded, the more likely people who share interests with you or have a need for what you offer will contact you. Enter command, N for next message or for menu !n #42064 Travel Agencies S 1 / News & General Info 1 message Read? (Y or N) ! n #42065 Newsletters S 4 / Database Research 13 messages Read? (Y or N) ! y #: 42065 S4/Database Research 05-Jan-88 19:26:10 Sb: #42055-#Newsletters Fm: Livia & Steve Babbitt 75076,2450 To: BOB SHERMAN 71435,753 (X) Bob, Thank you for your comments regarding our newsletters. We appreciate it. As a businessman yourself, you are probably well aware that every resource you use has advantages as well as disadvantages. Publishing your own newsletter does give one a certain amount of poetic license, so to speak. The process itself can actually be both challenging and fun. The drawbacks, and there are several, boils down to creating a quality piece at consistent invervals while continuing to deliver high quality services to clients. Imagine trying to create a brochure every other month, let's say. For us, we chose to put a budget, initially set aside for advertising, toward our own production of a bi-monthly newsletter. Considerably more time will have to pass before we even know if its an effective marketing tool. Bob, we have seen your messages around here for quite a long time as we recall reading your name on several online conferences as well. Other than word of mouth recommendations from satisfied clients, what other marketing tools are effective for C.A.R.O.L.? . With best wishes to you too for this new year --Liv & Steve 1 Reply *** More *** Enter command, N for next message or for menu !n #: 42094 S4/Database Research 06-Jan-88 23:36:44 Sb: #42065-#Newsletters Fm: BOB SHERMAN 71435,753 To: Livia & Steve Babbitt 75076,2450 (X) Liv & Steve, Having many years of journalism backround under my belt, I know how much time and thought has to go into a well planned newsletter, and though I think your idea is a good one, I wish I had the time to work on such a project myself (time!!!! I may well wonder the meaning of that before this Presidential election year is out. Note the hour I find a few moments to visit here.) RE marketing tools, once established, word of mouth is the best tool you can have working for you. We have also found direct mail to be helpful if you carefully direct to the markets you are after. Good media exposure is also quite helpful. Larry King mentioned us one night on his radio show and we got calls galore for days following. I happened to be in the studio one night and told Larry about a funny request we had one night while he was waiting for a commercial break to finish, and bingo, when the mike re-opened he blurted the story right on the air, along with our name and phone number. Wish we could affort to buy spots on his network show.. Got several good clients out of it. By the way, if you are accepting names for your newsletter mailing list, please include mine. Bob Sherman, c/o Computer Assisted Research On Line 1166 N.E. 182 Street, North Miami Beach, Fl. 33162. 305-944-2111 Thanks, and best for '88. Bob 1 Reply *** More *** Enter command, N for next message or for menu !n #: 42154 S4/Database Research 09-Jan-88 10:50:35 Sb: #42094-#Newsletters Fm: Livia & Steve Babbitt 75076,2450 To: BOB SHERMAN 71435,753 (X) Bob, Thank you for your reply. We have no problem sending you (or John Everett) the hardcopy version of our bi-monthly newsletter, but when we start mailing newsletters to compuserve users, who already have access to the material, it sounds to us like we would be defeating the purpose of having our newsletters available here. Does that make sense to you? Honestly, we don't want to find ourselves in the situation of mailing the printed hardcopy version to CIS users. In John's case, we are only sending one issue and one issue only because of his particular role here as an advisor and teacher. Frankly, the printed version isn't any big deal. There are a lot of fancy things one can do when something is in a hardcopy form. Presently the only essential difference is that each page is printed in a double column format. We use both sides of one 11 X 17 inch sheet with three folds, making it busness letter size when it is finished. The only thing that has to be added is a mailing label. However, there is one thing we would like to run by you and other IBers here. If you think a newsletter could be a good vehicle that could help you promote your own services, we have an idea that might be profitable to you. Just suppose our newsletters were available in hardcopy form alreay set for you to send to your clients and prospects. Would that be something of value to you? The writing, the formating, the deadlines, the graphics, the layout and the TIME needed to expend to produce your own newsletter were all taken care of for you. Is that something you or others here could use? If it were possible to create such a publication that could complement your own particular target marketing, would you want explore that? We could certainly discuss it. You have nothing to lose. In fact, it might make sense to contact us by E-MAIL or by calling us directly at (617) 788-0784. In any event, it's nice chatting with you and we extend our best wishes. --Liv & Steve 2 Replies *** More *** Enter command, N for next message or for menu ! READ ACTIONS 1 (RA) Read again 2 (RR) Read a reply 3 (RE) Reply with current subject 4 (UA) Reply with new subject 5 N/A Enter choice or for next ! #: 42165 S4/Database Research 09-Jan-88 12:09:04 Sb: #42154-#Newsletters Fm: Paul & Sarah Edwards 76703,242 To: Livia & Steve Babbitt 75076,2450 (X) Steve, there are a number of companies in other field that we've come across who produce newsletters for others in their fields. Generally the front and back covers are left for the logo and a message by the consultant who is purchasing and using the newsletters in bulk. Since newsletters can be a key marketing technique for an information provider, I think your concept is good. Now to determine the readiness of the market. -pre 1 Reply *** More *** Enter command, N for next message or for menu !n #: 42234 S4/Database Research 11-Jan-88 11:37:08 Sb: #42165-#Newsletters Fm: Livia & Steve Babbitt 75076,2450 To: Paul & Sarah Edwards 76703,242 (X) Paul, we are presently working for a publisher (who has been in the business of publishing industry focused newsletters for companies who desire their own newsletter for the past 20e. The same company is starting another newsletter and we are optimistic we will be working on specific projects for that as well. Anyway, we hope so. The concept of such a product (publication) for IBers intrigues us, and what better place than right here to start the process of determining if there is a potential market. If there really is a market, we are confident we have a fundamental understanding of IBing to make such an endeavor a success. Who could better articulate the IBing concept than one who is in it plugging away? --Steve & Liv 2 Replies *** More *** Enter command, N for next message or for menu !n #: 42235 S4/Database Research 11-Jan-88 11:47:43 Sb: #42234-#Newsletters Fm: Paul & Sarah Edwards 76703,242 To: Livia & Steve Babbitt 75076,2450 (X) Steve, would it be a breach of anything to tell what industries newsletters are now being written for? That would be interesting and possibly quite useful. We've found, usually in retrospect, that expression of interest on the forum is a good indication of marketability of a product. We've experienced this with our audiotape titles in particular. Subjects that we thought would be instant hits--one of them is newsletter publishing--did not sell well and the files in the forum on the same subject have had less use relatively. I think in the past we've spoken about your being a husband-and-wife team. As is evident, that is the case for us. We've working relationship continually evolves. We now share the same office, which we didn't use to, but we've differentiated our projects to a high degree. We'd be interested to know more about how you work. Best regards! 1 Reply *** More *** Enter command, N for next message or for menu ! READ ACTIONS 1 (RA) Read again 2 (RR) Read a reply 3 (RE) Reply with current subject 4 (UA) Reply with new subject 5 N/A Enter choice or for next !t Working From Home FUNCTIONS 1 (L) Leave a Message 2 (R) Read Messages 3 (CO) Conference Mode 4 (DL) Data Libraries 5 (B) Bulletins 6 (MD) Member Directory 7 (OP) User Options 8 (IN) Instructions Enter choice !l To: All Subject: Help! Enter your message. Enter a blank line or control-Z to end message. 1: Help! Need work. Have Apple //c here at home. 2: Also have experience with MACHINING, CAD-CAM etc. 3: Maybe I'm in the wrong forum? Where might I find 4: a listing of Available jobs? I'm no dummy and will 5: try anything to save the house! Also would like to 6: continue to visit here. ( gulp ) 7: LEAVE ACTIONS 1 (S) Store the Message 2 (SU) Store Unformatted 3 (MA) Mail via Easyplex 4 (MU) Mail Unformatted 5 (C) Continue Entering Text 6 (A) Abort the Leave Function 7 (L) List the Message 8 (ED) Edit a Line 9 (R) Replace a Line 10 (D) Delete a Line Enter choice !1 SUBTOPIC # REQUIRED 1 News & General Info 2 Business Talk 3 I'm New & What I Do 4 Database Research 5 Bizns Opportunities 6 Ask the SysOps 7 Matters Technical 8 Assn/Elec.Cottagers 9 "Word" Businesses 10 Upcoming!!! 11 Jobs at Home 12 Non-Business Talk Enter choice : 3 Message # 42315 Stored Working From Home FUNCTIONS 1 (L) Leave a Message 2 (R) Read Messages 3 (CO) Conference Mode 4 (DL) Data Libraries 5 (B) Bulletins 6 (MD) Member Directory 7 (OP) User Options 8 (IN) Instructions Enter choice !dl Data Libraries Available: 1 General Information 2 Business Info 3 Bizn's of All Kinds 4 Database Research 5 Mailing List Bizn's 6 Mail Order Bizn's 7 MLM/Direct Sales 8 Typesetting & Publ 9 "Word" Businesses 11 Jobs/Telecommuting 12 Law,Tax,Acctg, Ins 13 Success 14 Equipping the Home 15 Assn/Electr.Cott 16 Member Showcase 17 Help Using CIS Enter Choice !